Heartland Saddle Club Kiplinger Arena, McCook Ride

15dec9:30 am4:00 pmHeartland Saddle Club Kiplinger Arena, McCook RideHosted by Heartland Saddle Club

Event Details

Saturday, December 15, 2018: Heartland Saddle Club Indoor Trail Challenge Event at Kiplinger Arena in McCook. Open riding/warm up in the arena from 9:30- 11:30(CT) with lunch at 12:00 (CT). Lunch will be delivered pizza at a cost of $5/person, with a head count taken upon arrival. HSC will furnish the table service and bottled water, as in the past. Members may contribute dessert if desired. Then we will ride the trail challenge course from 1:30-4:00. The cost of this fun day will be provided free of charge to Heartland Saddle Club members. This is a members’ only ride but we welcome new members at any ride!

Please RSVP by Dec 14 to Joni at 308-830-3157 or Susan Spicer 308-882-1463 if you plan to attend, in case of inclement weather cancellation or postponement. Or let us know on Facebook as well!



December 15, 2018 9:30 am - 4:00 pm(GMT+00:00)

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